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If yoga isn't radically changing your life, there's more you can be getting from the practice.


I love to help people receive yoga's deeply life changing benefits.


I absolutely LOVE this work: 

To support people in their own unique journeys towards more awareness, compassion, choice, expansion, and freedom.

Between the general confusion around what coaching is and how it can help, and the desire to make it accessible for those who want to try it, I am currently offering a mini-package of sessions to help you get more clear on what you want, to take steps towards getting there, and to work through the blockages in your way.

  • 1 month of 1:1 support for $100

  • 4 x 25-minute weekly sessions

  • Tailored, individualized support and practices

  • Includes embodied work to start making change right away

  • Self-chosen small weekly action steps to integrate the change



"Coaching" is vague and confusing, I know! I paying for a cheerleader?


What if I never even liked sports and don't think of my life as one?

Here are a few ways that I describe coaching and what I offer:

  • It's not therapy. Coaches aren't licensed mental health professionals (unless they also are) and their scope of practice typically doesn't include going directly into your deepest traumas. They will, however, have training in helping people in a variety of ways (more on that next), but aren't diving into your mental health and will refer you to another professional as needed.

  • Training specific. Unlike most of your family and friends, coaches are trained! There are many types of coaching trainings out there so coaches will vary greatly in what they do. 

  • Help with blind spots. It's challenging to see ourselves! We can all use someone outside of ourselves with a wider vantage point who can be lovingly honest about what they see.

  • Objectivity. Have reflected what seems truly present beyond the pre-conceived ideas or multi-layered complexity of family and friend relationships. Be witnessed as a fully remarkable and capable human being by someone who believes you can achieve what you want wholeheartedly.

  • It's not consulting. A helpful clarification between coaching and consulting: consulting is where someone primarily gives suggestions based on their expertise; coaching is more question based where instead of being taught or told what to do, the client is guided towards their own wisdom and to choose and act from that. Decisions and choices made from within are generally the most powerful long-term.

  • Emphasis on experience. While many therapeutic modalities are talk-based, my sessions include practices and techniques because talk alone doesn't necessarily lead to change. Already embodying a different state or action during the session initiates and anchors the change process. 

  • Accountability and homework. This is optional and really powerful for those who are ready. Compared with most therapy, coaching tends to be known for element of accountability, meaning each week you have a chance to be encouraged by your coach to move in the direction of your desires. Just like how exercising multiple times a week creates more results faster than once a week, so does something in between sessions. Coaching is an opportunity to take the action steps needed (that YOU choose) in your daily life outside of the session to integrate what happens in the session and create real-life change.

What I offer can help with:

  • Creating clarity, purpose, and drive towards what you want

  • Moving through blockages and limiting beliefs

  • Core wound and shadow work

  • Cultivating self-love and compassion

  • Developing daily practices to cultivate what you need

Body-mind coaching with me might include:

  • Embodiment techniques to immediately create shifts (movement, postures, gestures, interoception)

  • Neurolinguistic programming for mental repatterning

  • Somatic experiencing for processing emotions

  • Hypnosis for creating mental change

  • Narrative work for re-framing and -contextualizing

  • Subconscious work to bypass conscious blockages and connect with intuition

If you're curious to learn more or to try a package, book a quick call below so we can chat and see if this is a good fit. :)

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